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Edoardo Longo Calgari

owner, engineer

Edoardo “Longo” Calgari was born in Milan, Italy, where he started to work as a DJ and to experiment with sound in his teen years. Following his relocation to Berlin in 2010 he found himself immersed in a vibrant music scene which allowed him to explore and dive deeper into his passion for sound, music and technology. Over the following years he collected a variety of professional experiences as an artist, performer and sound engineer while pursuing his studies at Berlin’s University Of The Arts UdK, graduating in 2018 from the “Sound Studies” program.

His personal credits include producer and artist for Early Sounds Recordings (Ed Longo), recording and production assistant for Moritz von Oswald (Honest Jons, Unsound Festival, Deutsches Symphonie Orchestra and many more), founder and operator of Cashmere Radio and much more.

In 2020 he founded Soundrays.


Soundcloud / Discogs / Instagram